Taken by: @AylaMunchkinCat
He/Him │ Asexual, Bi and Demiromatic
Hello my name is Casey but you can call me Angel or Emmett if you like.
Also i live inside you're walls

Casey Keith Howe @AngelCakez2006




England, United Kingdom

Joined on 4/21/22

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I need animators

Posted by AngelCakez2006 - October 24th, 2024

I know the first episode isn't out yet but. When it does come out. My plan is to get more animators for angelcakez because if the rest of the episodes where made by me. Then the episodes would take forever to make so anyways here what what i need in order to be qualified for being an animator for angelcakez:

1. You have to have experience with flash or adobe animate

2. You have to be 16 years or older

3. You have to stay on model or at the very least be very close to animation style

If you are all these then you are qualified for being an animator for angelcakez. And you can go on my discord it is angelcakez2.0



Animators for Caseyshow reboot? Hell nah

That's fine honestly. Even tho the show isn't like Caseyshow in anyway. But that's fine if you don't want to animate for my show

Well, maybe you did change. It's been almost 5 years since what happened here... Are you someone new now? Are you sure you're coming back? It's not for nothing, Casey, but if you really changed, prove it.

Ok well. I stopped making Caseyshow. And I regretted making it and the dumb things I did when I was a stupid teen. I now wish to move on from Caseyshow and move on from that show. Looking back at it yeah it was shit ngl. And btw yes i'm now making a new cartoon as we speak called angelcakez and it's not a eddsworld rip off.

Seeing this project being worked on makes me so happy :)

Hey Casey, when episodes are being published, will they be published outside of NG too? Like Youtube for an example :> Again it makes me happy to know this project is still alive!!!

Hello yes it is actually. The first episode is still being made. It is almost finished actually and it will be out around November to January. And when i'm done with episode 1 i wish post it here. And if you want after the first episode if you want you can help with the animation if you want.

@AngelCakez2006 thats so cool!! Ah ı unfortunately have no experıence wıth Adobe nor anımatıng on computers at all, however I hope someday I wıll. :)) but ı bet epısode one rocks!!!